How To Apply The Best Essential Oils for Skin
There are many ways to use essential oils. You can use them aromatically for a calming effect (think an all natural Botox treatment), topically, and internally by drinking them. Always be sure to research whether or not it’s safe to ingest your essential oil.
For the sake of the best essential oils for skin care, we’ll focus on the topical application here.
You can apply lightly aromatic essential oils via a reusable cotton swab by dabbing it around problem areas. For example, tea tree oil has strong antibacterial properties. Use it as a spot treatment for those pesky persistent blemishes.
If you’re using a strongly aromatic oil, you may want to dilute it in water or a carrier oil like rose hip oil or jojoba oil. You can use a cotton swab or reusable makeup remover pad to gently apply the mixture to your face after a shower.