Sustainability 101

A Sustainable Lifestyle Is Sexy

In today's world, being environmentally conscious is a good idea and a great way to be attractive and positively impact the world. Here are some simple habits you can adopt to make yourself irresistible while also being sustainable.

Use reusable bags, bottles, and containers. Instead of using single-use plastic bags, bottles, and containers, invest in some reusable alternatives. Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you'll also look stylish and responsible.

Use public transportation, bike, or walk. Instead of driving a car, consider using public transportation, biking, or walking to get around. Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you'll also save money and look good doing it.

Buy local and organic. Supporting local farmers and buying organic products is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and support sustainable agriculture. Plus, buying locally-sourced food is not only good for the environment but also tastes better and supports the local community.

Use energy-efficient appliances. Investing in energy-efficient appliances not only helps the environment but also saves you money on your utility bills. Plus, it shows that you're responsible and aware of your impact on the planet.

By incorporating these sustainability habits into your daily routine, you'll not only be doing your part to protect the planet, but you'll also be making yourself irresistible to others. So go ahead, and take the first step towards a more sustainable and attractive lifestyle.

Shop LastObject Products

  • LastSwab Original

    The original reusable and sustainable alternative to cotton swabs. Easy to use and easy to clean.

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  • LastRound Original

    Reusable rounds made of a shape-shifting fabric that feels just like regular cotton rounds when wet.

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  • LastTissue Pack

    The best of both worlds: on-the-go availability of a tissue pack and the eco-friendly handkerchief.

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  • LastPad Large

    A bloody awsome menstrual pad that actually feels good to wear and doesn’t hurt the planet.

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Shop LastObject Products

  • LastSwab Original

    The original reusable and sustainable alternative to cotton swabs. Easy to use and easy to clean.

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  • LastRound Original

    Reusable rounds made of a shape-shifting fabric that feels just like regular cotton rounds when wet.

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  • LastTissue Pack

    The best of both worlds: on-the-go availability of a tissue pack and the eco-friendly handkerchief.

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  • LastPad Large

    A bloody awsome menstrual pad that actually feels good to wear and doesn’t hurt the planet.

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