LastObject News

How to take care of your LastSwab

The Name Says it all, “LastSwab” you will ever use!












LastSwab features premium materials and a clever design. Like your typical cotton swab, it is two-sided. Surprisingly, the swab doesn’t feature cotton at all, instead it uses a soft-feel tip made of TPE (Thermoplastic elastomers). We chose TPE (instead of silicone), because the melting temperature between the rod and the TPE is closer and for that reason the bonding is much better. The bonding is crucial, because without good bonding the tips will end up detaching from the rod ending up in places you don’t want it. The swab is easy to clean; a dash of soap and water does the trick, however it is also dishwasher safe, but you can only wash it at 50°C (122°F) or below temperatures. The use of acetone, like nail polish remover should also be avoided to clean it, as it may damage the TPE.




 Do NOT put the case in the dishwasher



 Do NOT wash the swab in over 50°C (122°F)



High heels Icon

Do NOT use of acetone on the swab



The casing for LastSwab is made of a corn-based plastic; we have chosen this material, because it has a lower impact on the environment. The casing can be washed by hand with a dab of soap. Do NOT put it in the dishwasher as this will ruin the case.

You should never boil any part of LastSwab to sterilize it, as this will damage the materials.

If you follow these simple guidelines and take good care of your LastSwab you will be able to enjoy it for years to come.

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  • LastSwab Original

    The original reusable and sustainable alternative to cotton swabs. Easy to use and easy to clean.

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  • LastRound Original

    Reusable rounds made of a shape-shifting fabric that feels just like regular cotton rounds when wet.

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  • LastTissue Pack

    The best of both worlds: on-the-go availability of a tissue pack and the eco-friendly handkerchief.

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  • LastPad Large

    A bloody awsome menstrual pad that actually feels good to wear and doesn’t hurt the planet.

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